Saturday, February 23, 2013

Day 11 - divine appointments

It has been an eventful campaign thus far. Beautiful to see God move...
Today is Saturday and i had an organizational committee meeting in the same corner of the city as the abortion facility as well as a child to drop off en route, so i decided to just combine all my errands and go pray at the clinic before my meeting even though i would arrive there nearly 2 hours early on a Saturday (a usually quiet vigil day here in Calgary with the local abortion clinic being closed on that day).
As i pulled up, i saw a familiar car ahead of mine and noticed it was one of the original 40 Days for Life organizers who brought the 40 Days for Life Campaign to Calgary. (There are still 4 of the original 8 on our committee 8 campaigns later...)
It seemed a divine appointment - and for the first hour, we walked opposite each other, passing and hearing words carried on the chilly air between us as we petitioned our Father. The second hour - we talked and agreed and planned and encouraged.
What a loving Father - to bring us there together on a chilly day when the clinic was closed. A day to be humbled in prayer as we served God in our city...

If my people, who are called by name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land. 2 Chronicles 7:14

Dear Lord, as you lead me into the spiritual struggle this verse calls your people to, remind me that the battle is truly yours. Thank you for equipping me with your armour. Lead me daily to put it on! Thank you for allowing me to serve under your command and for hearing my requests for direction and protection. Amen.
(Prayer an excerpt from the _40 Days for Life_ book available on Amazon).

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